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Hi, I am 墨指工作室

墨指工作室以絲網印刷為主, 並混合其他不同元素, 以混合媒介的方式進行創作。 我們以專業的技術知識與藝術家合作創作版畫、提供印刷代工服務並致力推廣傳統工藝,利用輕鬆有趣的工作坊來讓大家體驗絲網印刷及版畫製作。 對墨指而言, 手工印刷是創作範籌內的重要元素,能為作品增添一種機器無法複製的真實性。 我們曾與多位設計師及畫家合作, 是一個非常具有互動性的創作過程。 在過程中所作出即興的修改及微調, 並以媒介的本質來決定作品最終的質感, 有效地築成人與作品之間的緊密聯繫。 有機的創作過程十分有趣, 我們喜歡手畫線條, 喜歡手工印刷的質感, 擁抱瑕疵及時刻的變化。看著顏色逐漸的滲透覆蓋, 勾勒出一幅完整的作品。 指頭沒有沾上油墨的那日將是平凡悶透的一天,從零開始親手製作總比只按印刷鍵完成作品來得更有趣真緻。 inkolize Hand Print Workshop specializes in screen printing, a traditional and versatile printing technique, while integrating with other basic printmaking elements and create mixed media original prints. We provide high quality printing services and collaborate with artists for printmaking pieces. Alongside with the practice, we offer a variety of art and craft workshops with fun and inspiring techniques to discover and experience, aiming to develop an awareness and a sensitivity of screen printing and printmaking craftsmanship. Hand-done elements give works an authenticity and involvement rather than incorporating with technology. We work closely with different artists and choose to improvise and explore how the medium manipulates the final design during this collaborative process. Being a printmaker, the love given to the process and material is crucial to reflect the uniqueness and meaning of the final work. A strong bonding with our art is vital. We like hand-drawn lines, we like the texture of a hand-done print, we embrace the inherent flaws and minor variations that come with it, we love watching layers of color going down and finally become a piece of art. If there is no printed ink on the nails, we would probably get into bad moods. Drawing a line by your own hand is more worthy than printing a painting by a click of a button.

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