CCDCDC Marketing
based in Hong Kong

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English ,Chinese ,Cantonese


Dance & Music
Art & Design

Hi, I am CCDCDC Marketing

(簡介)CCDC 舞蹈中心CCDC Dance Centre CCDC舞蹈中心於2004年成立,延續城市當代舞蹈團教育及外展部的舞蹈教育、外展計劃、社區表演及藝術推廣等工作,並設賽馬會舞蹈小劇場,銳意發展成為香港舞蹈界重要地標,藉著中心各項活動及設施拉近觀眾與藝術家的距離,創造一個活躍的討論、分享及資訊交流的環境。 CCDC舞蹈中心的舞蹈課程,一直以嚴謹的訓練與及多元化的選擇著稱;而外展計劃及社區表演肩負起推廣及拓展觀眾網絡的使命;夥伴計劃則全力支持獨立藝人及舞蹈界新一代從事創作,提供創作空間及行政與技術專業支援,亦為舞蹈愛好者策劃不同類別的舞蹈活動及演出。 At the beginning of 2004, City Contemporary Dance Company (CCDC) established CCDC Dance Centre. The Centre continues to realise CCDC’s missions on dance education. It has also embarked on a Partnership Programme which aimed at facilitating independent artists and organisations to develop their creative works. As the dance landmark in Hong Kong, our rehearsal studios as well as the Jockey Club Dance Theatre create a supportive and ideal environment for dance development. The in-house Dance courses offer a great variety of choices and quality trainings whereas our Outreach programmes promote dance in various schools, town halls and communities to broaden audience base. The Partnership Programme is a platform supporting independent and emerging artists by offering them rehearsal space, technical and administrative support.

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