極罕 BOARD GAMES 腦力大考驗!
Published: 07-11-2016

過百款board games免費任玩 打得機多都想玩番啲傳統的board games,可以鍛煉腦力又可以跟朋友聯誼。 如果你有咁的想法,Press Start係你不錯的選擇。 佢哋搜羅全球過百款不同種類、玩法和主題的board games,你可以做球王又可以開廠釀啤酒。仲有專人教玩,助你訓練思考、邏輯和合作精神,好玩刺激又益智,唔識玩都好快上手。 而Press Start最近喺上環落腳開咗個新蒲點,仲會搞開放日。只要由下午2點至7點任何時間入場,過百款遊戲有專人教任玩,並提供吃喝,讓你跟三五知己玩得盡興又可聯誼,仲即場識到新朋友。


Come play an awesome selection of board games with your friends! Please RSVP through Hosbby to secure your slot. Send us a message if you want to know more about setting up a private party or come to visit with your friends.

