印尼蠟染班及藝遊分享 // Batik Workshop + Art Sharing

visibilityViews 2992

Kowloon tong, HONG KONG

450 HKD
Duration: 3 Hours 30 Minutes
Max group size: 6 people(s)
Languages: English, Chinese, Cantonese

Event Description

*Scoll down for English

蠟染 Batik (巴迪) 是一種巳有過二千年歷史的布藝,最常發現古老蠟染的足跡是在東方和中東國家,如印度,中國,日本,伊朗等地。真正蠟染的技術來源還是個謎,但印尼爪哇島更把蠟染工藝推到藝術的高峰,透過豐富的色彩,精緻的圖騰用心親手記錄當地的文的工作坊化和宗教色彩,Batik不再只是色彩繽紛的布,更是他們的國家文化遺產。

學員除了會用不用火的凍蠟 cold wax batik 和傳統熱蠟 hot wax batik
(先塗上蠟, 冷卻後, 蠟就像一層保護膜, 令布不會染色, 而沒有蠟或有裂縫的地方就會染上鮮艷的色彩。)

- 不同時期和風格的印尼batik圖騰
- 了解古文明的蠟染工藝
- 學如何像印尼人、馬來人穿 Batik Sarong
( 適合大人小孩 For all Adults and kids )

準備了一些從印尼搜羅回來的蠟染 (batik) 布,



In English

Hong Kong textile artist, Lai Garling will teach participants how to make batik painting step by step. She would explain the history of batik and introduce the different batik art from Japan, China, Java and Australia.

Batik is a very ancient craft dating back at least 2000 years; the ancients cleverly using hot wax to cover parts that are not to be dyed and different designs reflect the culture and religion of their country.

Meanwhile Garling will give each participant an unique experience with her fruitful knowledge in Malaysian & Indonesian batik art. She will display her own Batik Art collection for participants to see and FEEL before making their batik art.

What to expect

成品 : 2 幅10" 大的蠟染作品 (在布上) 

- 不同時期和風格的印尼batik圖騰 
- 了解古文明的蠟染工藝  
- 學如何像印尼人、馬來人穿 Batik Sarong. 

Outcome: make their own  batik-painted fabric  (2 pieces)

Meanwhile, participants will learn:

- Different stage and patterns of Indonesian Batik patterns

-Understanding old heritage batik art

-Learn how to wear Indonesian/ Malaysian batik sarong like a native

Other information

For anyone age above 10 

Event Location

Event Location

Kowloon tong

印尼蠟染班及藝遊分享 // Batik Workshop + Art Sharing

visibilityViews 2992

Kowloon tong, HONG KONG

450 HKD
Duration: 3 Hours 30 Minutes
Max group size: 6 people(s)
Languages: English, Chinese, Cantonese
Art & Design
Travel & Culture
Whatsapp booking/enquiriesContact Hosbby

Event Description

*Scoll down for English

蠟染 Batik (巴迪) 是一種巳有過二千年歷史的布藝,最常發現古老蠟染的足跡是在東方和中東國家,如印度,中國,日本,伊朗等地。真正蠟染的技術來源還是個謎,但印尼爪哇島更把蠟染工藝推到藝術的高峰,透過豐富的色彩,精緻的圖騰用心親手記錄當地的文的工作坊化和宗教色彩,Batik不再只是色彩繽紛的布,更是他們的國家文化遺產。

學員除了會用不用火的凍蠟 cold wax batik 和傳統熱蠟 hot wax batik
(先塗上蠟, 冷卻後, 蠟就像一層保護膜, 令布不會染色, 而沒有蠟或有裂縫的地方就會染上鮮艷的色彩。)

- 不同時期和風格的印尼batik圖騰
- 了解古文明的蠟染工藝
- 學如何像印尼人、馬來人穿 Batik Sarong
( 適合大人小孩 For all Adults and kids )

準備了一些從印尼搜羅回來的蠟染 (batik) 布,



In English

Hong Kong textile artist, Lai Garling will teach participants how to make batik painting step by step. She would explain the history of batik and introduce the different batik art from Japan, China, Java and Australia.

Batik is a very ancient craft dating back at least 2000 years; the ancients cleverly using hot wax to cover parts that are not to be dyed and different designs reflect the culture and religion of their country.

Meanwhile Garling will give each participant an unique experience with her fruitful knowledge in Malaysian & Indonesian batik art. She will display her own Batik Art collection for participants to see and FEEL before making their batik art.

What to expect

成品 : 2 幅10" 大的蠟染作品 (在布上) 

- 不同時期和風格的印尼batik圖騰 
- 了解古文明的蠟染工藝  
- 學如何像印尼人、馬來人穿 Batik Sarong. 

Outcome: make their own  batik-painted fabric  (2 pieces)

Meanwhile, participants will learn:

- Different stage and patterns of Indonesian Batik patterns

-Understanding old heritage batik art

-Learn how to wear Indonesian/ Malaysian batik sarong like a native

Other information

For anyone age above 10 

Event Location

Event Location

Kowloon tong

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