小型玻璃吹製體驗 Mini Glass Blowing Experience

visibilityViews 6172

Shek Kip Mei, HONG KONG

380 HKD
Duration: 1 Hour 30 Minutes
Max group size: 3 - 6 people(s) [?]
Languages: English, Chinese, Cantonese

Event Description

Mini Glass Blowing Experience 小型玻璃吹製體驗

玻璃燈工,俗稱燒玻璃/玻璃燈工 (Glass Lampworking)是一種古老的熱玻璃工藝,是指以1000°C或以上的火焰把玻璃燒成液體狀,再塑造不同造型。

Glass bead making is an ancient hot glass technique which uses high temperature flame (over 1000°C) to melt glass rods for shaping. The process is commonly called lampworking or flameworking.

費用: $380 (包括材料及工具)
時間: 1.5小時
Fee: $380 (incl. material and tools)
Time: 1.5 hour


This is an experiential workshop on lampworking, for participants to try out melting and blowing glass in a mini scale. There is no limit for number of works within class time. Suitable for 16 years or up. All torches for this workshop had been upgraded to oxygen aided torches.


Gang of 3 or more can choose to join regular class or choose your own time. Appointment is usually possible at 1100-2200 during weekdays and 1100-1800 during weekends.


Fee includes: professional instructor, Italian glass, tools, US professional torch, kiln, etc. Limited seats, priority according to payment time.

陸珊老師擁有超過12年專業燈工燒製/教學經驗及多次到意大利威尼斯深造,可以靈活照顧不同階段學員進度。為威尼斯玻璃大師Lucio Bubacco琉璃珠燒製助教。

Ms Shan Luk will be the instructor for this workshop. She had over 12 years of experience in glass lampworking/teaching and constantly enhance her skills in Murano, Italy. She was appointed as the assistant for bead making for Master Lucio Bubacco. She can definitely take care of students of different skills level.

如果想學習其他單獨課題,請參考本工作室的燈工主題班,或者直接查詢 😃

If you would like to learn something else, please contact us directly.

Other information

參加者需要年滿16歲。請穿輕便裝,及帶備輕鬆開心的心情來體驗 😊

Tutor Profile

陸老師早年畢業於香港大學主修心理學。於2005年開始多次遠赴威尼斯跟隨國際知名玻璃藝術家布巴克(Lucio Bubacco)學習玻璃藝術, 及後成為他的教學助理。致力在香港推廣玻璃藝術,讓繁忙的香港人嘗試另類放鬆心情的方法。

Event Location

Event Location

Shek Kip Mei

Latest event reviews




Toto Wong

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Dec 2018

has attended the event

Dec 2018

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Feb 2018

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Feb 2018

小型玻璃吹製體驗 Mini Glass Blowing Experience

visibilityViews 6172

Shek Kip Mei, HONG KONG

380 HKD
Duration: 1 Hour 30 Minutes
Max group size: 3 - 6 people(s) [?]
Languages: English, Chinese, Cantonese
Art & Design
Whatsapp booking/enquiriesContact Hosbby

Event Description

Mini Glass Blowing Experience 小型玻璃吹製體驗

玻璃燈工,俗稱燒玻璃/玻璃燈工 (Glass Lampworking)是一種古老的熱玻璃工藝,是指以1000°C或以上的火焰把玻璃燒成液體狀,再塑造不同造型。

Glass bead making is an ancient hot glass technique which uses high temperature flame (over 1000°C) to melt glass rods for shaping. The process is commonly called lampworking or flameworking.

費用: $380 (包括材料及工具)
時間: 1.5小時
Fee: $380 (incl. material and tools)
Time: 1.5 hour


This is an experiential workshop on lampworking, for participants to try out melting and blowing glass in a mini scale. There is no limit for number of works within class time. Suitable for 16 years or up. All torches for this workshop had been upgraded to oxygen aided torches.


Gang of 3 or more can choose to join regular class or choose your own time. Appointment is usually possible at 1100-2200 during weekdays and 1100-1800 during weekends.


Fee includes: professional instructor, Italian glass, tools, US professional torch, kiln, etc. Limited seats, priority according to payment time.

陸珊老師擁有超過12年專業燈工燒製/教學經驗及多次到意大利威尼斯深造,可以靈活照顧不同階段學員進度。為威尼斯玻璃大師Lucio Bubacco琉璃珠燒製助教。

Ms Shan Luk will be the instructor for this workshop. She had over 12 years of experience in glass lampworking/teaching and constantly enhance her skills in Murano, Italy. She was appointed as the assistant for bead making for Master Lucio Bubacco. She can definitely take care of students of different skills level.

如果想學習其他單獨課題,請參考本工作室的燈工主題班,或者直接查詢 😃

If you would like to learn something else, please contact us directly.

Other information

參加者需要年滿16歲。請穿輕便裝,及帶備輕鬆開心的心情來體驗 😊

Tutor Profile

陸老師早年畢業於香港大學主修心理學。於2005年開始多次遠赴威尼斯跟隨國際知名玻璃藝術家布巴克(Lucio Bubacco)學習玻璃藝術, 及後成為他的教學助理。致力在香港推廣玻璃藝術,讓繁忙的香港人嘗試另類放鬆心情的方法。

Event Location

Event Location

Shek Kip Mei

Latest event reviews




Toto Wong

has attended the event

Dec 2018

has attended the event

Dec 2018

has attended the event

Feb 2018

has attended the event

Feb 2018
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