人像素描速寫聚會(尖沙咀) People Drawing People TST (Wed)

visibilityViews 15264

Tsim Sha Tsui, HONG KONG

Duration: 1 Hour
Max group size: 20 people(s)
Languages: Not specific

Event Description

【 人像素描聚會 】 

People Drawing People TSTi (Wed)






【 人像素描聚會】於Starbucks 舉行你只需要於當日購買一杯飲品或小食即可。


Starbucks Prince tower 14-16 Hankow Road, TST (TBC) 尖沙咀漢口道14-16號 Starbucks


「好多人都問【 人像素描速寫聚會 】係乜?」2009年由倫敦移民香港的Simon說。






「如果你當呢個喺一個社交平台,愛嚟認識新朋友或發展一段浪漫情緣? 亦得!只要記住呢個班係素描為主,你嚟嘅目的無論係啲乜,最緊要係尊重自己同埋別人。」




General idea :


This is a focused art activity which provides skilled artists and absolute beginners the opportunity to draw people, face to face, sitting at tables in comfortable surroundings. Whatever your skill level, we hope that you draw to the best of your ability, are respectful to models and appreciate the efforts of other participants.


More about the hosts 


Yes. Just bring a pencil and a sketch pad.  I have a pencil sharpener and a rubber you can borrow ;-)  You may want to buy yourself a tea/coffee/juice/water though.


Q: What's it about?


A: The objective of this event is to provide participants with the opportunity to sketch people, there will also be opportunities to share and improve skills and techniques.


Q: So how will we do this?


A: Easy!  Sit down with a coffee and your sketch pad, introduce yourself to your drawing partner make a quick sketch of them and while they do the same.  Then move onto the next person and do the same.  You can choose to share your pictures with the group there and then, and later have your work exhibited online.  


But I can't draw...my picture doesn't look like the person I drew.  Picasso seemed to have that problem too.  If you are worried about your picture not looking like the person you are drawing, I have a fun technique for you.  Don't worry it's not Cubism.  I call it composite sketching--you make one drawing using several people.  Fun way to solve that problem.  


Social side of things if you are here to make friends or find a date, that's great!  Just remember this event is about sketching first. Whatever you are here for just be respectful to others and be yourself.  


Relax and have fun sketching.


What to expect




-Just bring a pencil and a sketch pad. Please buy yourself drinks and snacks at the venue. 

-Meet new friends, and the event is about sketching first. 

-No experiences is required! No worries about your pictures not looking like the person you are drawing. 

-Relax and have fun sketching. 

Other information


-活動需作報名留位,截止日期為開班前一晚 11:45;









Please buy a drink at starbucks. The venue has been opened up exclusively for our group to use and they provide a reasonably priced and good quality selection of drinks and snacks.

Guidelines: RSVP stays open until 11:45pm the day before.

-Bring your own paper and drawing tools

-Let the host know if you are no longer able to attend

-Say hello to the host as you arrive Place your order at the bar Find a seat.

-Make some quick sketches of the people around you.

-Feel free to get up, show them the drawing and introduce yourself

-Take your time to enjoy your drink, drawing, and meeting people

-Optional activities: For variety, we may suggest optional activities which you can choose to participate in or not. These include volunteering as a model for the group, or partnering up with people for longer model/artist exchanges, skill sharing, etc. There is no charge to take part.



Tutor Profile

Simon Macdonald
Simon 來自英國,居港多年。在2015 年起每週定期在不同咖啡室舉行People Drawing People,推廣人物素描速寫活動。 Hello, my name is Simon. I am organising this sketching group. I studied Visual Arts and work as a Primary School Teacher. I have a strong passion to share sketching.

Event Location

Event Location

Tsim Sha Tsui

Latest event reviews





如果活動8點開始就好了,放左工去到都差不多完了,有少少失望 :no_mouth: :no_mouth:

From Mar 2017
Wing Chow

this is the first time i joined a group of ppl who like drawing, im more enjoy this then alone at home, Thanks Simon, the teacher to organise this event so i could meet new friends! gonna join next time for sure!

From Mar 2017

for a Free event, this is really great for me. people are nice here and teacher can draw great picture too! he made me a face painting and i loved it. Thanks :kissing_heart:

From Mar 2017
Olivia Wong

I love this event and will join again soon!

Feb 2017
Brian Wong

Great time! Comfortable place to draw different people from different angles. Free flowing atmosphere!

Nov 2016
Wai Wai 慧惠

It was a nice experience. Other's sketches were inspiring. I will join again =)

From Hong Kong · Nov 2016
Kevin Sze

I am so happy to attend this party. I enjoy myself. Thank you for this activity.

From 九龍黃大仙區 · Aug 2016
Mosaic Art Studio Hong Kong

has attended the event

From Hong Kong · Sep 2019
Mosaic Art Studio Hong Kong

has attended the event

From Hong Kong · Sep 2019

has attended the event

Nov 2016
Woo wing kiu

has attended the event

Nov 2017
Fynn Chan

has attended the event

Nov 2017
Fynn Chan

has attended the event

Nov 2017
Fynn Chan

has attended the event

Nov 2017
chu ming lee

has attended the event

Nov 2017
chu ming lee

has attended the event

Nov 2017
Shum Lam Lam

has attended the event

Nov 2017

has attended the event

Nov 2017
Shum Lam Lam

has attended the event

Oct 2017
Morse Chan

has attended the event

Oct 2017
chu ming lee

has attended the event

Oct 2017

has attended the event

Sep 2017
Lung Ka Ching

has attended the event

Sep 2017

has attended the event

Sep 2017

人像素描速寫聚會(尖沙咀) People Drawing People TST (Wed)

visibilityViews 15264

Tsim Sha Tsui, HONG KONG

Duration: 1 Hour
Max group size: 20 people(s)
Languages: Not specific
Art & Design
Whatsapp booking/enquiriesContact Hosbby

Event Description

【 人像素描聚會 】 

People Drawing People TSTi (Wed)






【 人像素描聚會】於Starbucks 舉行你只需要於當日購買一杯飲品或小食即可。


Starbucks Prince tower 14-16 Hankow Road, TST (TBC) 尖沙咀漢口道14-16號 Starbucks


「好多人都問【 人像素描速寫聚會 】係乜?」2009年由倫敦移民香港的Simon說。






「如果你當呢個喺一個社交平台,愛嚟認識新朋友或發展一段浪漫情緣? 亦得!只要記住呢個班係素描為主,你嚟嘅目的無論係啲乜,最緊要係尊重自己同埋別人。」




General idea :


This is a focused art activity which provides skilled artists and absolute beginners the opportunity to draw people, face to face, sitting at tables in comfortable surroundings. Whatever your skill level, we hope that you draw to the best of your ability, are respectful to models and appreciate the efforts of other participants.


More about the hosts 


Yes. Just bring a pencil and a sketch pad.  I have a pencil sharpener and a rubber you can borrow ;-)  You may want to buy yourself a tea/coffee/juice/water though.


Q: What's it about?


A: The objective of this event is to provide participants with the opportunity to sketch people, there will also be opportunities to share and improve skills and techniques.


Q: So how will we do this?


A: Easy!  Sit down with a coffee and your sketch pad, introduce yourself to your drawing partner make a quick sketch of them and while they do the same.  Then move onto the next person and do the same.  You can choose to share your pictures with the group there and then, and later have your work exhibited online.  


But I can't draw...my picture doesn't look like the person I drew.  Picasso seemed to have that problem too.  If you are worried about your picture not looking like the person you are drawing, I have a fun technique for you.  Don't worry it's not Cubism.  I call it composite sketching--you make one drawing using several people.  Fun way to solve that problem.  


Social side of things if you are here to make friends or find a date, that's great!  Just remember this event is about sketching first. Whatever you are here for just be respectful to others and be yourself.  


Relax and have fun sketching.


What to expect




-Just bring a pencil and a sketch pad. Please buy yourself drinks and snacks at the venue. 

-Meet new friends, and the event is about sketching first. 

-No experiences is required! No worries about your pictures not looking like the person you are drawing. 

-Relax and have fun sketching. 

Other information


-活動需作報名留位,截止日期為開班前一晚 11:45;









Please buy a drink at starbucks. The venue has been opened up exclusively for our group to use and they provide a reasonably priced and good quality selection of drinks and snacks.

Guidelines: RSVP stays open until 11:45pm the day before.

-Bring your own paper and drawing tools

-Let the host know if you are no longer able to attend

-Say hello to the host as you arrive Place your order at the bar Find a seat.

-Make some quick sketches of the people around you.

-Feel free to get up, show them the drawing and introduce yourself

-Take your time to enjoy your drink, drawing, and meeting people

-Optional activities: For variety, we may suggest optional activities which you can choose to participate in or not. These include volunteering as a model for the group, or partnering up with people for longer model/artist exchanges, skill sharing, etc. There is no charge to take part.



Tutor Profile

Simon Macdonald
Simon 來自英國,居港多年。在2015 年起每週定期在不同咖啡室舉行People Drawing People,推廣人物素描速寫活動。 Hello, my name is Simon. I am organising this sketching group. I studied Visual Arts and work as a Primary School Teacher. I have a strong passion to share sketching.

Event Location

Event Location

Tsim Sha Tsui

Latest event reviews





如果活動8點開始就好了,放左工去到都差不多完了,有少少失望 :no_mouth: :no_mouth:

From Mar 2017
Wing Chow

this is the first time i joined a group of ppl who like drawing, im more enjoy this then alone at home, Thanks Simon, the teacher to organise this event so i could meet new friends! gonna join next time for sure!

From Mar 2017

for a Free event, this is really great for me. people are nice here and teacher can draw great picture too! he made me a face painting and i loved it. Thanks :kissing_heart:

From Mar 2017
Olivia Wong

I love this event and will join again soon!

Feb 2017
Brian Wong

Great time! Comfortable place to draw different people from different angles. Free flowing atmosphere!

Nov 2016
Wai Wai 慧惠

It was a nice experience. Other's sketches were inspiring. I will join again =)

From Hong Kong · Nov 2016
Kevin Sze

I am so happy to attend this party. I enjoy myself. Thank you for this activity.

From 九龍黃大仙區 · Aug 2016
Mosaic Art Studio Hong Kong

has attended the event

From Hong Kong · Sep 2019
Mosaic Art Studio Hong Kong

has attended the event

From Hong Kong · Sep 2019

has attended the event

Nov 2016
Woo wing kiu

has attended the event

Nov 2017
Fynn Chan

has attended the event

Nov 2017
Fynn Chan

has attended the event

Nov 2017
Fynn Chan

has attended the event

Nov 2017
chu ming lee

has attended the event

Nov 2017
chu ming lee

has attended the event

Nov 2017
Shum Lam Lam

has attended the event

Nov 2017

has attended the event

Nov 2017
Shum Lam Lam

has attended the event

Oct 2017
Morse Chan

has attended the event

Oct 2017
chu ming lee

has attended the event

Oct 2017

has attended the event

Sep 2017
Lung Ka Ching

has attended the event

Sep 2017

has attended the event

Sep 2017
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