JCI East Kowloon:The Water Project水之源濾水器組合捐款

visibilityViews 3445

Kennedy Town, HONG KONG

265 HKD
Duration: 8 Hours
Max group size: 100 people(s)
Languages: Cantonese

Event Description

根據國際慈善機構「水救援組織」於2017年3月份特別公佈了一份報告指出,全球有 6 億 6 千 3 百多萬人至今仍沒有乾淨的水可用,其中 5.22 億人是住在鄉村地區。東九龍青年商會在2017年推行一個名為“The Water Project: One Drop”的水之源工作計劃,其中一個重要項目就是幫助位於柬埔寨暹粒吳哥窟的村民籌募濾水器,我們將會在一條村莊為每戶裝置濾水器,短期內解決日常飲用水的問題 ; 長遠的,希望改善他們的健康及經濟生活,並把工作計劃規模擴展去更多地方。

我們的慈善伙伴蘇慈悅女士會帶領是次濾水器探訪團。蘇慈悅女士是Hosbby 網上興趣平台創辦人,自2011年到起,她與友人自資發起捐贈濾水器慈善項目,每年親自到暹粒的水上村及週邊的村落捐贈濾水器,已捐贈超過250個濾水器並同時提供藥物及衣物,送贈當地有需要的人。



選擇1: 濾水器(HKD 180) 在此網址選擇捐款數量及付款


擇擇2:濾水器組合,一部濾水器及一個額外濾芯(HKD 265)

捐款網址:http://www.hosbby.com/event/1841  (此網址)

A report on March, 2017 from WaterAid stated that over 600 million people in the world still do not access to water, over 5 billion people live in rural areas cannot access to clean water. In 2017, JCI East Kowloon is launching an initiative “The Water Project: One Drop”, to help providing water and sanitation solutions to a float village in Siem Reap (Angkor Wat) in Cambodia, one of the important programs is water filters donation. We are going to set up water filters for each family home in short term and for long term we hope to empower them to improve their economic conditions, and expand the project scale to other places too.

We will partner with Ms. So Chi Yuet Christine who will lead the water filter project visit in Cambodia. Ms So is the founder of Hosbby, an online marketplace for hobbies. Since 2011, she initiated the water filter project with her few friends, and has led numerous visits and has donate over 250 water filters, medicines and clothes for the improvised villagers in Cambodia.

We will purchase a 17L Ceramic water filters and replacements in Cambodia locally.  The ceramic water filter replacement is washable and it can las for more than 1 year.

One set of a water filter and a replacement  can help a family to access clean water for 2 years. We aim at helping more than 50 families to provide a water filter set and over 200 people will be benefited.

Donation options:

Option 1: Water filter only

Donation link: http://www.hosbby.com/event/1839 

Option 2: Water filter set: A water filter plus a water replacement (HKD 265)

Donation link: http://www.hosbby.com/event/1840 (Current link)

(Choose the quantities, credit cards and bank transfer are accepted)

Event Location

Event Location

Kennedy Town

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carmen chiang (jciek)

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Nov 2017

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Nov 2017
JCI East Kowloon

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Nov 2017

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Nov 2017
Ho hau ping

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Nov 2017
Justine Leung

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Nov 2017
Anitta Hiekkanen

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Nov 2017
Jenny Fong

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Nov 2017

JCI East Kowloon:The Water Project水之源濾水器組合捐款

visibilityViews 3445

Kennedy Town, HONG KONG

265 HKD
Duration: 8 Hours
Max group size: 100 people(s)
Languages: Cantonese
Whatsapp booking/enquiriesContact Hosbby

Event Description

根據國際慈善機構「水救援組織」於2017年3月份特別公佈了一份報告指出,全球有 6 億 6 千 3 百多萬人至今仍沒有乾淨的水可用,其中 5.22 億人是住在鄉村地區。東九龍青年商會在2017年推行一個名為“The Water Project: One Drop”的水之源工作計劃,其中一個重要項目就是幫助位於柬埔寨暹粒吳哥窟的村民籌募濾水器,我們將會在一條村莊為每戶裝置濾水器,短期內解決日常飲用水的問題 ; 長遠的,希望改善他們的健康及經濟生活,並把工作計劃規模擴展去更多地方。

我們的慈善伙伴蘇慈悅女士會帶領是次濾水器探訪團。蘇慈悅女士是Hosbby 網上興趣平台創辦人,自2011年到起,她與友人自資發起捐贈濾水器慈善項目,每年親自到暹粒的水上村及週邊的村落捐贈濾水器,已捐贈超過250個濾水器並同時提供藥物及衣物,送贈當地有需要的人。



選擇1: 濾水器(HKD 180) 在此網址選擇捐款數量及付款


擇擇2:濾水器組合,一部濾水器及一個額外濾芯(HKD 265)

捐款網址:http://www.hosbby.com/event/1841  (此網址)

A report on March, 2017 from WaterAid stated that over 600 million people in the world still do not access to water, over 5 billion people live in rural areas cannot access to clean water. In 2017, JCI East Kowloon is launching an initiative “The Water Project: One Drop”, to help providing water and sanitation solutions to a float village in Siem Reap (Angkor Wat) in Cambodia, one of the important programs is water filters donation. We are going to set up water filters for each family home in short term and for long term we hope to empower them to improve their economic conditions, and expand the project scale to other places too.

We will partner with Ms. So Chi Yuet Christine who will lead the water filter project visit in Cambodia. Ms So is the founder of Hosbby, an online marketplace for hobbies. Since 2011, she initiated the water filter project with her few friends, and has led numerous visits and has donate over 250 water filters, medicines and clothes for the improvised villagers in Cambodia.

We will purchase a 17L Ceramic water filters and replacements in Cambodia locally.  The ceramic water filter replacement is washable and it can las for more than 1 year.

One set of a water filter and a replacement  can help a family to access clean water for 2 years. We aim at helping more than 50 families to provide a water filter set and over 200 people will be benefited.

Donation options:

Option 1: Water filter only

Donation link: http://www.hosbby.com/event/1839 

Option 2: Water filter set: A water filter plus a water replacement (HKD 265)

Donation link: http://www.hosbby.com/event/1840 (Current link)

(Choose the quantities, credit cards and bank transfer are accepted)

Event Location

Event Location

Kennedy Town

Latest event reviews




carmen chiang (jciek)

has attended the event

Nov 2017

has attended the event

Nov 2017
JCI East Kowloon

has attended the event

Nov 2017

has attended the event

Nov 2017
Ho hau ping

has attended the event

Nov 2017
Justine Leung

has attended the event

Nov 2017
Anitta Hiekkanen

has attended the event

Nov 2017
Jenny Fong

has attended the event

Nov 2017
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