笑出你的快樂故事: Point of You 個人成長卡初體驗工作坊

visibilityViews 2708

Sheung Wan, HONG KONG

180 HKD
Duration: 2 Hours
Max group size: 1 - 10 people(s) [?]
Languages: Cantonese

Event Description

生活間中有不少的挑戰,讓我們忘記去開懷大笑。透過大笑瑜伽這套運動,我們能快速重拾笑臉。大笑過後,我們的身心的繃緊情況也會得到一定的改善。這個時間是最適合讓我們重新檢視日常生活中的挑戰,以及在這個左右腦十分活躍的時間去學習解難。今次Irene 老師不但懂得教大家開懷大笑,她更有一套個人成長卡Point of You,讓你透過卡的不同的故事,重整你在日常生活中的故事,讓你也有能力在每天不用假笑也能說出快樂故事來。

What to expect


60分鐘的Point of You 個人成長卡體驗:讓你在卡中重整快樂故事


完成工作坊後,你對生活中不同的挑戰更多正能量和方法去面對 🙂

Other information


Tutor Profile

PREMA Wellness & Laughter Yoga
Yoga, Laughter Yoga, Counseling & Therapy
PREMA Wellness & Laughter Yoga Ltd is a wellness & laughter yoga service provider serving Hong Kong and the Asia Pacific. We offer services to companies, organizations and individuals in the pursuit of all round physical-emotional-psychological health, personal growth and managerial excellence. PREMA Wellness & Laughter Yoga Ltd was founded in 2017 by Hong Kong’s two wellness, laughter yoga and hatha yoga teachers in Hong Kong.

Event Location

Event Location

Sheung Wan

笑出你的快樂故事: Point of You 個人成長卡初體驗工作坊

visibilityViews 2708

Sheung Wan, HONG KONG

180 HKD
Duration: 2 Hours
Max group size: 1 - 10 people(s) [?]
Languages: Cantonese
Sports & outdoor
Whatsapp booking/enquiriesContact Hosbby

Event Description

生活間中有不少的挑戰,讓我們忘記去開懷大笑。透過大笑瑜伽這套運動,我們能快速重拾笑臉。大笑過後,我們的身心的繃緊情況也會得到一定的改善。這個時間是最適合讓我們重新檢視日常生活中的挑戰,以及在這個左右腦十分活躍的時間去學習解難。今次Irene 老師不但懂得教大家開懷大笑,她更有一套個人成長卡Point of You,讓你透過卡的不同的故事,重整你在日常生活中的故事,讓你也有能力在每天不用假笑也能說出快樂故事來。

What to expect


60分鐘的Point of You 個人成長卡體驗:讓你在卡中重整快樂故事


完成工作坊後,你對生活中不同的挑戰更多正能量和方法去面對 🙂

Other information


Tutor Profile

PREMA Wellness & Laughter Yoga
Yoga, Laughter Yoga, Counseling & Therapy
PREMA Wellness & Laughter Yoga Ltd is a wellness & laughter yoga service provider serving Hong Kong and the Asia Pacific. We offer services to companies, organizations and individuals in the pursuit of all round physical-emotional-psychological health, personal growth and managerial excellence. PREMA Wellness & Laughter Yoga Ltd was founded in 2017 by Hong Kong’s two wellness, laughter yoga and hatha yoga teachers in Hong Kong.

Event Location

Event Location

Sheung Wan

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